Acknowledging Sampedro_Cluster_Catalogue (SCC) in publications:
Please include the following in any published material that makes use of database:
This publication makes use of Sampedro_Cluster_Catalogue, developed in the Stellar Systems Group at IAA-CSIC and supported by the Spanish MINECO through grants AYA2013-40611-P, and AYA2016-75931-C2-1-P and by the Brazilian funding agency FAPESP (post- doc fellowship process number 2016/21664-2).
Referencing SCC in publications:
If your research benefits from the use of this catalogue, we would appreciate if you could include the following reference in your publication:
Sampedro L., Dias W.~S., Alfaro E.~J., Monteiro H., Molino A., 2017, arXiv, arXiv:1706.05581
Query the catalogue
Cluster table
Field | Description | Units | Data Type | |
1 | Name | Cluster name | string | |
2 | RA | Right ascension taking from Dias Catalogue | deg | float 5 |
3 | DEC | Declination taking from Dias Catalogue | deg | float 5 |
4 | N_stars_ini | Initial number of stars | int | |
5 | N_stars | Number of stars to be analyzed | int | |
6 | N_Outliers | Number of Outliers | int | |
7 | N_M1 | Number of members determined by M1 | int | |
8 | N_M2 | Number of members determined by M2 | int | |
9 | N_M3 | Number of members determined by M3 | int | |
10 | perc_M1 | Percentage of members determined by M1 | float 2 | |
11 | perc_M2 | Percentage of members determined by M2 | float 2 | |
12 | perc_M3 | Percentage of members determined by M3 | float 2 | |
13 | px_c_M1 | Mean X-proper motion of the cluster determined by M1 | mas/yr | float 2 |
14 | sigpx_c_M1 | Standard deviation of X-proper motion of the cluster determined by M1 | mas/yr | float 2 |
15 | px_c_M2 | Mean X-proper motion of the cluster determined by M2 | mas/yr | float 2 |
16 | sigpx_c_M2 | Standard deviation of X-proper motion of the cluster determined by M2 | mas/yr | float 2 |
17 | px_c_M3 | Mean X-proper motion of the cluster determined by M3 | mas/yr | float 2 |
18 | sigpx_c_M3 | Standard deviation of X-proper motion of the cluster determined by M3 | mas/yr | float 2 |
19 | py_c_M1 | Mean Y-proper motion of the cluster determined by M1 | mas/yr | float 2 |
20 | sigpy_c_M1 | Standard deviation of X-proper motion of the cluster determined by M1 | mas/yr | float 2 |
21 | py_c_M2 | Mean Y-proper motion of the cluster determined by M2 | mas/yr | float 2 |
22 | sigpy_c_M2 | Standard deviation of X-proper motion of the cluster determined by M2 | mas/yr | float 2 |
23 | py_c_M3 | Mean Y-proper motion of the cluster determined by M3 | mas/yr | float 2 |
24 | sigpy_c_M3 | Standard deviation of X-proper motion of the cluster determined by M3 | mas/yr | float 2 |
25 | coefcorr_f_M1 | Cluster proper motion correlation coefficient determined by M1 | mas/yr | float 2 |
26 | coefcorr_f_M2 | Cluster proper motion correlation coefficient determined by M2 | mas/yr | float 2 |
27 | coefcorr_f_M3 | Cluster proper motion correlation coefficient determined by M3 | mas/yr | float 2 |
28 | Distance | Distance from Dias catalogue | pc | int |
29 | ColorExcess | Color excess from Dias catalogue | mag | float 2 |
30 | Age | Age from Dias catalogue | logt | float 2 |
31 | Radius | Cluster Radius | deg | float 2 |
32 | px_f_M1 | Mean X-proper motion of the field stars determined by M1 | mas/yr | float 2 |
33 | sigpx_f_M1 | Standard deviation of X-proper motion of the field stars determined by M1 | mas/yr | float 2 |
34 | px_f_M2 | Mean X-proper motion of the field stars determined by M2 | mas/yr | float 2 |
35 | sigpx_f_M2 | Standard deviation of X-proper motion of the field stars determined by M2 | mas/yr | float 2 |
36 | px_f_M3 | Mean X-proper motion of the field stars determined by M3 | mas/yr | float 2 |
37 | sigpx_f_M3 | Standard deviation of X-proper motion of the field stars determined by M3 | mas/yr | float 2 |
38 | py_f_M1 | Mean Y-proper motion of the field stars determined by M1 | mas/yr | float 2 |
39 | sigpy_f_M1 | Standard deviation of X-proper motion of the field stars determined by M1 | mas/yr | float 2 |
40 | py_f_M2 | Mean Y-proper motion of the field stars determined by M2 | mas/yr | float 2 |
41 | sigpy_f_M2 | Standard deviation of X-proper motion of the field stars determined by M2 | mas/yr | float 2 |
42 | py_f_M3 | Mean Y-proper motion of the field stars determined by M3 | mas/yr | float 2 |
43 | sigpy_f_M3 | Standard deviation of X-proper motion of the field stars determined by M3 | mas/yr | float 2 |
44 | fs_coefcorr_f_M1 | Field stars proper motion correlation coefficient determined by M1 | mas/yr | float 2 |
45 | fs_coefcorr_f_M2 | Field stars proper motion correlation coefficient determined by M2 | mas/yr | float 2 |
46 | fs_coefcorr_f_M3 | Field stars proper motion correlation coefficient determined by M3 | mas/yr | float 2 |
Members table
Query Sampedro cluster members
Field | Units | Description | |
1 | UCAC4 | UCAC4 recommended identifier | |
2 | RAJ2000 | deg | Mean right ascension (ICRS), Ep = J2000 |
3 | e_RAJ2000 | mas | Mean error of RAdeg at mean epoach |
4 | DEJ2000 | deg | Mean declination (ICRS), Ep = J2000 |
5 | e_DEJ2000 | mas | Mean error of DEdeg at mean epoach |
6 | ePos | mas | Total mean error on position at Ep = J2000 |
7 | EpRA | yr | Central epoch for mean RA |
8 | EpDE | yr | Central epoch for mean Declination |
9 | f.mag | mag | UCAC fit model magnitude (579-642nm) |
10 | a.mag | mag | UCAC aperture magnitude (579-642nm) |
11 | e_a.mag | mag | Mean error on f.mag and a.mag |
12 | of | [0/9] UCAC4 object classification flag | |
13 | db | [0/36] UCAC4 double star flag | |
14 | Na | [0/71] Number of UCAC observations for the star | |
15 | Nu | [0/70] Number of used UCAC observations | |
16 | Nc | [1/38] Number of catalogue positions used for pm | |
17 | pmRA | mas/yr | Proper motion in RA(*cos(Dec)) |
18 | e_pmRA | mas/yr | Mean error on pmRA |
19 | pmDE | mas/yr | Proper motion in Dec |
20 | e_pmDE | mas/yr | Mean error on pmDE |
21 | Jmag | mag | 2MASS J magnitude (1.2um) |
22 | e_Jmag | mag | Mean error (rounded to 0.01mag) |
23 | q_Jmag | [0,58] J-band quality-confusion flag | |
24 | Hmag | mag | 2MASS H magnitude (1.6um) |
25 | e_Hmag | mag | Mean error (rounded to 0.01mag) |
26 | q_Hmag | [0,58] H-band quality-confusion flag | |
27 | Kmag | mag | 2MASS Ks magnitude (2.2um) |
28 | e_Kmag | mag | Mean error (rounded to 0.01mag) |
29 | q_Kmag | [0,58] K-band quality-confusion flag | |
30 | Bmag | mag | B magnitude from APASS |
31 | e_Bmag | cmag | Estimated error on Bmag |
32 | Vmag | mag | V magnitude from APASS |
33 | e_Vmag | cmag | Estimated error on Vmag |
34 | gmag | mag | g magnitude from APASS |
35 | e_gmag | cmag | Estimated error on gmag |
36 | rmag | mag | r magnitude from APASS |
37 | e_rmag | cmag | Estimated error on rmag |
38 | imag | mag | i magnitude from APASS |
39 | e_imag | cmag | Estimated error on imag |
40 | g | [0,3] g-flag from SPM | |
41 | c | [0,7] c-flag from SPM | |
42 | HT | [0/9] Hipparcos/Tycho flag | |
43 | A | [0/8] AC2000 flag | |
44 | b | [0/8] AGK2 Bonn match flag | |
45 | h | [0/8] AGK2 Hamburg match flag | |
46 | Z | [0/8] Zone astrographic match flag | |
47 | BB | [0/8] Black Birch match flag | |
48 | L | [0/8] Lick Astrographic match flag | |
49 | N | [0/8] NPM Lick match flag | |
50 | S | [0/8] SPM Lick match flag | |
51 | OutFlag | Outlier determination flag [1: outlier] | |
52 | P_M1 | Membership probabilities from M1 [-1: unclassified] | |
53 | P_M2_kinem | Membership probabilities from M2 (kinematic probability) [-1: unclassified] | |
54 | P_M2_join | Membership probabilities from M2 (join probability) [-1: unclassified] | |
55 | P_M3 | Membership probabilities from M3 [-1: unclassified] | |
56 | ClassM1 | Membership classification of M1 [1: cluster member, 0: field star, -1: unclassified] | |
57 | ClassM2 | Membership classification of M2 [1: cluster member, 0: field star, -1: unclassified] | |
58 | ClassM3 | Membership classification of M3 [1: cluster member, 0: field star, -1: unclassified] |